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‘Roger Ebert, The Collected Wikipedia Edits’ in The Atlantic

1 Cover Edited




An article and interview in The Atlantic here:, the story flowing on to articles in The Chicago Sun Times and Indiewire here:  and here:

Roger Ebert, The Collected Wikipedia Edits

5 John Prine Zoom Out

Roger Ebert (1942-2013) was a film critic with a Pulitzer Prize-winning column syndicated to over 200 newspapers worldwide, a popular TV show, and possibly more visibility than any critic in cinema history. He was also possibly a semi-anonymous Wikipedia editor. This project collated the Wikipedia edits in question, which weren’t written with the purpose of authorship, but when framed in a hardcover book it fitted these requirements. It was launched like a regular book with press releases and media interviews, even though it was only a single edition.

On Mobility

The Process

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A film about the International Criminal Court (COMING SOON).


Wikipedia Interviews

Interview with Achal Prabhala for the Believer, part of an ongoing series of Wikipedia related interviews.

“The presumption of translation is a way of saying “look, the world is one thing. We’ve written it down. Why would you bother to rewrite it?””

Read the full article here

The Confidence Man


Professional spokespeople take the place of performers, relaying stories, market shocks and TED talk-like speeches to a live audience.

The Confidence Man was Herman Melville’s final novel. Maybe it was bad sales, disappointing reviews (Including the headline “Herman Melville Crazy”), but there’s a pattern in these late works, the novels adding up to a deep suspicion of drama. Causality, the corner brick of narrative, never ended well for the men Melville wrote of (the whale stole my leg, therefore…) Now it was 1857, PT Barnum was in full scam, the ‘Know Nothing’ party was emerging,  moods floated down from the markets. Melville’s plan, I guess, was to plot a novel from these fluctuations in the shared weather and market moods. The stories are relayed through ghostly reappearing archetypes, stories never experienced first hand, maybe not even believed, nonetheless the interface carries things along.
1646, Den Haag. Performers: Jeremiah Fleming, João Paixão, Abner Preis, Pasquale Camporeale. Camera: Lukas Heistinger.

Good-night; and Providence have both of us in its good keeping.



Shut Up


Walter Benjamin Detective page 1 webWalter Benjamin Detective page 2 web

Fiction “corrected” into historical fact, on the death of Walter Benjamin.

Elizabeth Costello

Here we find ourselves in the final chapter of J. M. Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello, and the central character, Elizabeth Costello, is in something of a purgatory, an allegorical dreamworld she describes as irritatingly Kafkaesque, banal, administrative, self-referential, where to pass through a gate that leads to the next world to the next world, she must state her beliefs to a court and be judged. She can peek through to the other side of the gate, where it is luminous to a small extent, but in a disappointing and only sort-of-divine way, it may very well be just another world. There are many references in this chapter to the parable ‘Before the Law’ in Kafka’s novel the Trial, in which a man is kept waiting at the door of justice and continually told he can’t enter right now. And that a sequence of guards, each more fearsome than the last is guarding the rooms on the other side. The man, in Kafka’s parable, is told to wait, which he does until he is on his deathbed, when he sees the door being shut up and is told that the door was just for him and now it is being closed. So that’s the Kafka version, and in Coetzee’s version in order to pass through the gate the woman is interrogated by cartoonish Judges in a flimsy phantasm of a courtroom, again and again, and each time the Judges asking the same question. The judges want to know what her beliefs are, and she replies that she’s a writer and a writer can’t afford to entertain beliefs, just voices, and she goes on to explain why. These streams of contextual information and extenuating circumstances threaten the spell of the whole system. Of course to enter judgement, maybe even to participate in global modernity’s grand project at all, things have to fulfil certain conditions, conditions that she is umming furiously about.  “Not for the first time, she wonders how it is that everyone she meets speaks English. Or is she mistaken? Are these folk in fact speaking other languages, languages unfamiliar to her–Polish, Magyar, Wendish–and are their utterances being translated into English, instantaneously and by miraculous means, for her benefit? Or on the other hand is it a condition of existence in this place that all speak a common tongue, Esperanto for example, and are the sounds that issue from her own lips not, as she deludedly believes, English words but Esperanto words, just as the words the Kapo woman speaks are Esperanto, though the woman may believe they are Polish? She herself, Elizabeth Costello, has no recollection of ever having studied Esperanto, but she could be mistaken, as she has been mistaken about so many things. But why then are the waiters Italian? Or is what she thinks of as their Italian simply Esperanto with an Italian accent and Italian hand gestures?”

(Truncated art catalogue essay…)