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At 1646 Project Space,
Boekhorstst. 125, The Hague, NL
21 January, 2014
Doors open at 19:00, the performance begins at 20:00.


The Confidence Man, Herman Melville’s farewell to fiction, is made up of a series of meetings on a steamboat heading down the Mississippi. Actors and professional speakers will deliver speeches adapted from the text as a theatrical performance.

The play will be accompanied by a guest-lecture by Frans-Willem Korsten.

Moaning about Melville with F.W. Korsten

The Ongoing_Conversation_#3_Q_Miller (1)

The Finding and Raising of Anchors of Barges and Steamers

4 OceanA publication tracing the process of fact checking, knowledge management and content structuring, looking into objectivity producing formats like Wikipedia, journalism and propaganda. Artworks that map, model and prototype information are presented next to tracked and republished texts that follow often absurdly long processes of footnoting and rubrication. Offset Print 176 x 250, 78 Pages, Designed with Mathew Whittington, published by DAI/CasCo, 2013


Wifi Networks of Amsterdam


Amsterdam Centraal Wifi Amsterdam Noord Wifi



Writing about spaces in Amsterdam by means of the wifi network names, part of Gigantic Magazine’s Talk issue, more here.

Q&A with Karl Holmqvist

For January Biannual. Download link:  JB_Issue 3_Karl_V1

“…since most of the material I use comes from ‘borrowed’ sources, part of what listeners need to figure out is where these sources are from, if they recognise them. But also perhaps whether I actually mean for them to say what they do, and that even goes for myself sometimes.”


More information coming soon!



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Collected Minus Times

This is a 28 x 21 x 3cm compilation put together by Hunter Kennedy – who not only edited all 434 pages  but also typeset the whole thing manually on a typewriter. I have some drawings with text in here alongside work by David Berman, Dave Eggers, Brad Neely and Wells Tower.

…..NNGahGGHHGnnn… at Rear View Gallery

3rd-24th March, 2012NNNgah2

Artificial noise